This website is provided to help you find out information that could help you travel to Australia. I want others to benefit from this site too, but please do not reproduce its contents on another website or application.
© 2021 Ramon Rossi. All rights reserved.
This website is published and maintained by Ramon Rossi (“Ray Rossi”, “Aussie Data Scientist”). Unless otherwise indicated, all text and other information on this website are the intellectual property of Ramon Rossi.
Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability
As a data scientist, I have tried to to ensure the accuracy of my findings, but I cannot be held responsible for potential inaccuracy of data, such as from the multiple third-party sources that I have used, combined, cleaned and from which I created charts and visualisations.
I will not be liable for the accuracy or reliability of any statements made on this website. I am not liable if you purchase flights, tickets or anything else on the basis of advice or information presented on this website. I will not be held liable for the effect of such events as flights being cancelled or passengers being bumped off flights. You use or make decisions based on advice given on this website completely at your own risk.
I will not be liable for the timeliness of the data. For example, it takes days or even weeks to compile, create or maintain the data visualisations embedded or linked to within this website, and therefore they cannot always be kept up to date.
I do not warrant that the website is free of viruses or other harmful components. I will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of any service, or from any information, content, materials, or other services made available to you through the website, including, but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, and consequential (including loss of profits) damages.
Ramon Rossi